From Michael McLaughlin W&L'23 and Martha Burford:
Dear friends,
On Sunday, September 24, at 5pm, Grace Church will celebrate the feast of St. Michael and All Angels. As an archangel in heaven, St. Michael is one of God’s most trusted angels. He is mentioned explicitly in Revelations 12: 7-12 when he will come to fight Satan at the Last Judgement. This feast also celebrates the other Archangels, such as Gabriel and Raphael, along with all other orders of angels.
We will celebrate this day with Choral Evensong, a prized evening service of the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. Traditionally Anglican music will include compositions by C.V. Stanford, as well as music by current women composers serving in Cathedrals in England. Also included will be an anthem by the Rev. Dr. William Bradley Roberts, recently retired professor of Liturgics and Music at Virginia Theological Seminary.
After the service, we will enjoy a reception with blackberry treats and other delectables. Blackberries are a traditional food of Michaelmas, because as legend goes, Satan fell on a blackberry bush when he fell from Heaven! Other traditional foods to feast on this day include ginger, homemade bread, Italian wine, and Oktoberfest beer. We hope you can join us for this beautiful celebration of God’s angels, and bring a friend!
With Grace,
Michael and Martha
There will be a “Readers Refresh” for lectors in the Nave immediately following the 10:30 a.m. service on the following Sundays: 9/17, or 9/24. Laurent Boetsch will lead the refresher. The purpose of our review session is to allow us all to reflect for a moment on our shared ministry and to remind ourselves of the importance of well-presented readings to the overall context of the service. We are so fortunate to be able to rely upon a truly outstanding group of experienced readers in our parish, but we can all benefit from a brief “refresher” session to review those aspects of our readings that occasionally challenge us. By offering several sessions we hope that you may find one convenient for you to attend. Finally, if you are aware of other parishioners who may be interested in becoming lay readers, please do not hesitate to invite them to sign up for one of the refresher dates. Many thanks for your continuing dedicated service to Grace Episcopal.
Worship Services | Proper 19 | Sunday, September 17
Holy Eucharist | 8 a.m.
In-Person & Zoom
Christianity and Culture | 9:15 a.m.
Parish Hall & Zoom | Liturgical Calendar
Holy Eucharist | 10:30 a.m.
In-Person & YouTube
In lieu of Community sing, come for some singing and conversation about Vespers in the Nave at 5 p.m.
Morning Prayer | Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.
In-Person & Zoom
College Student Lunch on the Labyrinth
Join us right after 10:30 a.m. service, Sunday, September 24. Students are invited to join together for delicious food prepared by Anne Sauder. A great time to get to know each other and share what you love about Grace and would like to see Grace offer. For information contact Michael McLaughlin.
Paws to Connect
We jumped back into the school year with all four paws! Join us this Tuesday and Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the courtyard infant of Grace!
Upcoming Music Events
Ministry Celebration
Stewardship and IWC are planning a ministry celebration 5:45 pm Sunday Oct 22, immediately following evensong. This is a reception for all members of the parish, whether they attend evensong or not.
At this reception we want to have a large word cloud that shows all the organizations in Lexington and Rockbridge county supported financially or through volunteer work by members of Grace. To solicit this information we want to survey the congregation and get their input. "Please share all the organizations in Lexington and Rockbridge county you support financially and or through your volunteer work"
A member of IWC and Stewardship will tabulate results for creation of a word cloud and perhaps name tags "Ask me about ___________"
IWC and Stewardship will plan the menu for the reception. We will need survey results by the end of September. Contact Liz Moss with any questions.
Dine In, Dine Out, Lunch, Dinner or Sunday Brunch!
Now that fall is here, it is time to begin to think about our dining clubs. They are a great way to meet and form new friendships among our Grace Church members, prospective members, and students. If this is something you would be interested in, please reply to Ruth or Drusie by September 30th (just click on the email address below).
These groups each have a membership of around eight. The first name on the list will plan the first get- together. They will decide whether to host dinner at their home or in a restaurant. If it is done in the home, the hostess provides the main course and asks each member to bring a side dish. If it is done in a restaurant, the hostess is responsible for reservations.
This year we will also have a group for those who would like to meet at lunch or for Sunday brunch. Please indicate your preferences with your response:
· lunch, dinner or Sunday brunch
· prefer week or weekend
We look forward to lots of fun and great food!
Ruth Smith, 910-409-9325
Drusie Milford, 540-461-1427
Grant Writer Wanted
The Virginia Haiti Collaborative is looking for a grant writer to help with procuring computers for St. Marc’s School, Cerca-La-Source, Haiti. Please contact Virgina Cooke if you have any ideas or can help.
Wanted - Sunday School Teachers
Grace is looking for youth, college students and adults willing to help provide Sunday School for a few children each Sunday from about 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. We are willing to pay a stipend. Please contact Tuck to find out more.
Ladies' Book Discussion Group
The ladies’ book discussion group will resume on Sunday, September 24, at 4 p.m. in the Welles Room (Library) with Being Disciples by Rowan Williams. The book has six succinct chapters: Being Disciples; Faith, Hope, and Love; Forgiveness; Holiness; Faith in Society; Life in the Spirit. Please join us!
DioSWVA Digest
Safe Church Safe Communities Training
Monday, Sept 25 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. (via Zoom)
We are offering a newly updated Safe Church, Safe Communities training via Zoom this fall for those that need a certification or refresher.
Clergy, lay leaders, staff, and volunteers should all be up to date with their safe church certifications for safety reasons and to be in line with diocesan policies. To identify people requiring this training, please check the beginning of the policies (linked below) as well as Appendix A.
The date and time for the training and registration link are included below. If you plan to attend, registration is required to receive your unique Zoom link.
Read more:
Are you looking for simple ways to connect with your children and their faith? Join Pattie Ames, Canon for Christian Formation and her guest and good friend Emily Gowdy Canady, Missioner for Lifelong Christian Formation in Eastern NC, as they discuss ways parents can interact with their children through easy activities that make faith connections for everyone. Emily will talk as a mom and formation leader and Pattie will chime in as an active Godparent and children’s minister for 22 years. We will share ideas to do with your children through the fall and leading up to Christmas. We hope you will join us and the discussion.
Wednesday, Sept 27 from 7-8 p.m. on Zoom
Read more:
Prayer List
Prayer for the election of the next Presiding Bishop: Almighty God, source of all wisdom and understanding: Look graciously on your church, and so guide the hearts and minds of those who will choose our next presiding bishop, that we may receive a faithful pastor who will care for all of your people, equip us for our ministries, and proclaim your word to us and to the world, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Please pray for the wider Church and intercessions requested by our Congregants: Pray for the continued healing of The Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. The Diocese of Southwestern Virginia, and our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Mark Bourlakas. Pray today for the students and staff of Virginia Episcopal School, their Headmaster, Garth Ainslie and their chaplain, The Rev. Adam White. Pray for Brendon (friend of the Brooke family), Michael Murphy, John Thomas, Timmy, Rick Alexander, Bradley Fairchild and Karen Junkin (friends of the Gibsons), Gloria June Perry (mother of Michael Perry), Glen Jones (friend of the Riethmillers), Patricia Brown Boyer (sister of Madison Brown), Dolly Shumate (friend of the Lewis’), Carolyn Glenn (friend of Judy Schram), Jack Hershbell, Laura Stearns, Worth & Katie Burnes (friends of the Smiths), Amelia Dull, Barb Ostrander (cousin of John Milford), Stephen deMaria, Annie Campbell, Polly Lawrence, Betty Cadden, Jeff Mason, Joe Irby, Kent Wilson, Ginny Dunaway Ferguson, Rosemary Phillips (sister of Paul Robblee), Joan Wade (sister-in-law of David Wade), Maria Scott. Don Ellis, Diana Kenney, Patrick Bowes (brother-in-law of Linda deMaria), Ann Nay, Paula Cooper, Lucy Moise, Penny & Ned Henneman, Steve Riethmiller, Heidi Schweizer, David Wade, Barbara Bova (friend of the Dickersons), Daniel Diener, Carrie Strickland (sister-in-law of Paul Strickland), Edith Covard Crutcher (family of Jimbo & Ruth Smith), Anne Stenhouse (friend of Ruth & Jimbo Smith), Clay Sadler, Lynn Butler (friend of Melanie Griffis), and those we name aloud or in our hearts. Pray for those who have died. Pray for the people of Morocco, Libya, Hawaii, Sudan, Haiti, Ukraine.
In Thanksgiving for September Birthdays
9/16 Tucker Bowerfind
9/18 Judy Hotchkiss, Carolyn Kuper
9/19 Julia Littlefield, Peter Dyckman Fyfe, Nanalou Sauder, Frank Settle
9/20 Keith Gibson, Spencer Tucker
9/21 Chris Howison, Barbara Luton
9/22 Ann Nay, Elizabeth Oliver
9/24 Graham Centorino
9/25 Darlene Keane
9/26 Heidi Schweizer
9/28 Winifred Hart, Tim Harrison
9/30 Mo Littlefield. Lynda Bassett-deMaria
We're so glad you're here! If you or someone you know is new to Grace and would like more information about Parish life, follow the link below.
Donations for Lisa's House – Project Horizon
Items we currently need: · High efficiency laundry detergent · Toilet paper, paper towels · Lysol disinfectant spray · Dish soap · Coffee · $10 gas cards At this time, we are only able to accept items on this list. Thank you for thinking of us!
An exploration of the use of musical variation in organ music over many centuries, William McCorkle, organ, Washington and Lee University Faculty Recital. Sunday, September 17, 3:00 p.m. at Lexington Presbyterian Church. Live and live streamed:
First Baptist Church Anniversary
Join us in celebrating the 156th Church Anniversary & 5th Anniversary of Pastor McKinley A. Williams
Sunday, September 17, 3:30 p.m. | Guests: The Reverend Dwight Steele, Pastor, Pilgrim Baptist Church
Sunday, September 24, 11:00 a.m. | Dedication of the Sanctuary Windows | Anniversary Fellowship Luncheon served immediately following the Worship Service for Everyone
Chill on the Hill
Habitat for Humanity Fund Raiser | Great Valley Farm Brewery and Winery | Sunday, October 1, 2023 12 – 3 pm | Food provided by: Lex Vegas Bistro and Old Lex Mercantile
Meal Ticket $20.00 | Music by Datz Us Ramblers