Dear Friends,
This Sunday we remember two sons of Henry and Matilde Norgrove, founding members of our parish family, William (1840-1863) and Edward Norgrove (1843-1863).
A witness to William's death tells us that he suddenly had to either fire or be fired upon. He did not fire. The young man who shot him was from Illinois. He helped carry William into the nearby church yard where he died three days later on May 4 1863 at Port Gibson, MS. Edward died in battle May 7, 1863 at Chancellorsville. Their mother memorialized them in a window in our nave.
It is tempting to despair over such tragic loss. But we are encouraged to remember that they lived full of hope. Their hope was not that by their efforts they could save themselves or their country. Their hope was that by their humble service they could bear witness to and live in solidarity with their Savior. Who showed us the true meaning of sacrifice is to know the Father and to make the Father known through humble acts of obedience on earth. Oh that we might live so full of hope.
With Gratitude,
Tuck Bowerfind, Rector, Grace Episcopal Lexington
Worship Services | Fifth Sunday of Easter | Sunday, May 7
Holy Eucharist | 8 a.m.
In-Person & Zoom
Holy Eucharist | 10:30 a.m.
In-Person & YouTube
First Sunday Lunch | After 10:30 a.m. Service
United Thank Offering Ingathering
Please join us in contributing to the United Thank Offering (UTO) on Sunday, May 14th. What a wonderful way to count our blessings and celebrate our blessings with a contribution especially this Mother's Day. (New blue collection boxes will be available in the narthex.). Any questions, please contact drusmilford@gmail.com. Thank you for your continued and generous support of this ministry.
Morning Prayer | Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.
In-Person & Zoom
Join Us for Paws to Connect!
Paws to Connect is back and better than ever! Join us this week on Grace's steps from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday!
Ministries Opportunities at Grace
Please contact the church office and let us know if you can help 540-463-4981
Coffee/Hospitality Hour: A committee is being formed to schedule and organize 2-3 events each month following the 10:30 service. The responsibilities of this committee would be to schedule hosts for the designated Sundays, ensure that supplies are available for the hosts and follow up and provide instruction for the hosts.
First Sunday Lunch: Help is needed for the upcoming lunch on May 7. Starting in September following a 3-month summer break, Susan Lawrence will graciously resume her first Sunday lunch ministry. Volunteers are needed the first Sunday of each month September-May for set up, some prep and cooking, and clean up.
Youth Summer Mission Trips
Our diocesan youth summer mission trips are back by popular demand for the third year in a row! Registration is open for a week of service, fun, and fellowship. Join us for this unforgettable time of service for our Appalachian neighbors as we also forge a strong bond as a team in the process.
Building Use Proposals
The Vestry requests your feedback on Building Use Proposals prepared by FGMArchitects to address these priorities for improving our Parish House:
Create modern, accessible restrooms on each floor
Create dedicated, modernized, attractive space for young children infant to 6 years old
Modernized office suite sufficient for two clergy, Parish Administrator, and Bookkeeper (note - Music Director's Office in Undercroft)
Improve building accessibility
Update and potentially resize classrooms and conference rooms
Please contact Tuck or one of the wardens, Joanne Robblee and Rob Minor to schedule a presentation at a time convenient for you.
Please plan to join a Town Hall Meeting 11 am Sunday, June 11, 2023 in the Parish Hall for a report on feedback received during these presentations.
Upcoming Music Events
Best Church Coffee in Lexington!
With an upgraded coffee system and local coffee grounds, Grace is taking our Coffee/ Hospitality Hour seriously. In the bible we learn of disciples gathering for prayer and Hospitality with each other and strangers. The coffee/hospitality hour is an extension of our worship where there is opportunity for fellowship, developing relationships, listening to others and being listened to, offering or receiving compassion and kindness. Let’s not underestimate the importance of Coffee/Hospitality hour. Please plan to attend each week
Prayer List
Please pray for the wider Church and intercessions requested by our Congregants: The Diocese of Southwestern Virginia, and our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Mark Bourlakas. Pray today for the Non-Canonically Resident Clergy serving in the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia. Pray for Brendon (friend of the Brooke family), Michael Murphy, John Thomas, Timmy, Rick Alexander, Bradley Fairchild and Karen Junkin (friends of the Gibsons), Gloria June Perry (mother of Michael Perry), Glen Jones (friend of the Riethmillers), Darlene Travis (sister of Don Ellis), Patricia Brown Boyer (sister of Madison Brown), Dolly Shumate & Betty Gale Anderson (friends of the Lewis’), Carolyn Glenn (friend of Judy Schram), Jack Hershbell, Helen & George Kostel, Laura & Bill Stearns, Carl & Rachel Pattison, Diana Kenney, Tom Strickland, Worth & Katie Burnes (friends of the Smiths), Amelia Dull, Barb, Stephen DeMaria, Farris Hotchkiss, Annie Campbell, Polly Lawrence, Betty Cadden, Steve Lawrence, and those we name aloud or in our hearts. Pray for those who have died. In remembrance of William Norgrove (May 4, 1863) and Edward Norgrove (May 7, 1863). Pray for the people of Sudan, Haiti, Ukraine.
In Thanksgiving for May Birthdays
5/8 Kate Holston
5/12 Anne Hershbell
5/15 Jenny Mastin
5/16 Ren Price, Elaine Price
5/17 John Dickerson, Cynthia Robertson
5/20 Joan Crawford
5/22 Garrett Frascati
5/30 Lyle McClung
5/31 Anne Tyler McCabe, Ellie Mastin
We're so glad you're here! If you or someone you know is new to Grace and would like more information about Parish life, follow the link below.
RARA Food Drive Volunteer Opportunity
Stamp Out Hunger, the nation's largest food drive, is back on May 13th! Postal workers from ten post offices throughout Rockbridge County will collect donated canned and dry food items from residents and deliver them to RARA, as well as food pantries in Buena Vista and Glasgow. Last year's drive brought in almost 4,000 pounds of non-perishable food to Rockbridge County. RARA needs your help on May 13th between 12-6pm to process thousands of pounds of Stamp Out Hunger donations. Shifts are two hours long and are a great opportunity for community groups, coworkers, teams, and families to volunteer together!
If you cannot volunteer, please consider participating by leaving your donations by your mailbox on the morning of Saturday, May 13th. We greatly appreciate any and all donations, however this year we are really looking for Breakfast cereal, Dried fruits and nuts, Canned meat or fish, Condiments, marinades, and sauces (preferably no glass), Juice, Cleaning products, Hygiene products, Baby food and diapers
Music in the Garden at Boxerwood
Friday Evenings 6:30-8pm starting May 26 with the Late Night Stumblers (Rock/Country originals), gate opens at 5:30 for picnics. Admission free for members, $5 non members (cash only). Kids are free and free to explore. Dogs on leashes are welcome. LexVegas Bistro at all concerts. Join us!
Hosting Ukrainian Families
A humanitarian outreach effort organized by citizens of Lexington, Buena Visa, and Rockbridge County, we aim to pave the way for sponsoring temporary re-settlement of families who qualify for entry according to the laws of the United States.
The mission of Hosting Ukrainian Families is based upon love, compassion, and humanitarian concerns for families seeking to live in peace. Accordingly, a call is issued to each person joining in this effort to set aside all political, culturally divisive viewpoints, and all differences which may hinder or defeat these goals. To donate, click the link below.