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Life With Grace | January 24

Writer's picture: Grace Episcopal ChurchGrace Episcopal Church

Updated: Jan 25

An illuminated manuscript open to the Gospel According to Matthew, featuring vibrant red, blue, and gold artwork with intricate designs, including a tree-like motif and a cross. The text is written in elegant calligraphy, bordered by artistic embellishments.
Join us for worship and experience The Saint John’s Bible. Image used with permission.

Dear friends,

This Sunday we hear the inaugural theme of Jesus' ministry.

His theme from the book of Isaiah reminds us that he is the Word of the Father. 

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,

because he has anointed meto bring good news to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim release to the captivesand recovery of sight to the blind,to let the oppressed go free,

to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor."

This text rings with the mercy of God. The keynote of every teaching and action of our Lord. Jesus concludes his reading by saying, Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.  The perfect tense in Greek denotes a complete action with continuing effect in the present.  Jesus is the good news he proclaims.  And his Word will continue to transform the world through the faithful offering of each member of his Body.

In his letter to the Corinthians Paul helps us understand the continuing effect of this fulfillment in the Body. The Church continues Christ's presence and work in the world.  Each member of the Church performs vital service in the ongoing work of salvation. This image reminds us of a reality the world tries to conceal through the ideology of individuality.  We are ontologically, ethically, functionally interdependent with each other and with God.  

This has profound implications.  The work of salvation is being fulfilled not only in our hearing, but in our living.  God is saving the world in and through and with us.  All actions in a body are reciprocal, the healing or the harm we give to one member belongs to the whole Body.  Giving deep meaning to the Beatitude - Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. 

This week Bishop Budde, preaching the unity of humanity, of creation, inherent in our faith, spoke with humility, honesty and dignity about what communion in the Body of Christ requires of everyone conscious of this shared identity.  Her plea for mercy resonates throughout the Body just as the suffering experienced in one or more members of the body creates suffering in the whole body.

In Christ God erases distinctions such as body and spirit, sacred and profane, tribe, language, nation, gender.  There is no worship other than relieving suffering, ending oppression, restoring harmony in the body of creation because the Spirit and the Body are one.  At the same time Christ ennobles every member, every tribe, language, nation and gender. Each person, each creature has a unique opportunity to serve and express Divine Love.  

For those of us conscious to the glory of God in Christ, Body and Spirit, our work is to persevere in evangelism, spreading the good news of the Incarnation who calls us members into conscious participation in the one Life, to persevere in trust in God to work through the members of the Body in ways we cannot ask or imagine to restore harmony to all creation, and for each of us to to persevere in offering his or her or their whole life, body and spirit, whether at work or at home, both in politics and in church, at all times and in all places for the service of God's saving and redeeming love.

With Gratitude, Tuck Bowerfind (he/him)

Rector | Grace Episcopal Church

Worship Services | Third Sunday After the Epiphany | Sunday, January 26

Holy Eucharist Rt I | 8 a.m. | In-Person and on Zoom

Christianity and Culture | 9:15 a.m. | In-Person and Zoom

Jan 26 - One holy, catholic, apostolic, David Cox presenting

Upcoming Christianity and Culture Sessions

February 2 Anne Hansen and Alex Brown the creeds (Nicene and Apostles') history and religious/spiritual significance.

February 9 What's going on in the Eucharist? Tuck Bowerfind

February 16 Rachel Levit Ades, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow, Mudd Center for Ethics, Washington and Lee University Discusses disability accessibility; What does it take for everyone to participate in the world? Rachel is a philosopher who studies disability accessibility; she is really curious about what it takes for everyone to participate in the world. She tries to learn more about this, create opportunities for others to discuss this, and make the things she is passionate about accessible. Rachel came to this project after working in special education and deaf education. She teaches philosophy classes both for university students and in community settings for adults with disabilities; she also has some fun with creative accessibility projects. Rachel will finish her postdoc at W&L’s Mudd Center for Ethics this spring. Her future plans are open at the moment, though she will leave beautiful Lexington to be closer to family. In some form, she aims to continue to do work, which is interesting, creative, and hopefully helpful.

February 23 Saint John's Bible Art Joanne Robblee

Holy Eucharist Rt II | 10:30 a.m. | In-Person and on YouTube

Women's Bible Study | Welles Room/Library | 3:30 p.m.

Choral Evensong | In-Person| 5 p.m.

Convention Eucharist

The Convention Eucharist will be at 10 a.m. on Sunday, January 26th, 2025. Our Convention keynote speaker, The Rt. Rev. Elizabeth Gardner, will be the preacher. The service will be live-streamed and will be available as a recording on our Diocesean YouTube Channel here later in the day following the service. The lessons for the Convention Eucharist will be those appointed for the Third Sunday of Epiphany. 

Next Sunday: SouperBowl | February 2nd, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. | Evans Dining Hall

Instead of First Sunday Lunch, next Sunday, February 2,  we will be encouraging parishioners to attend the Souper Bowl at W&L. You can leave your cars parked and walk across the street to Evans Dining Hall. Please join us - the information is below:

The Campus Kitchen Souper bowl is a staple of the Lexington community and the W&L experience. The Souper bowl is an annual, community wide, soup tasting event that takes place the Sunday before the football Superbowl to bring the community together, eat some good soup, and tackle childhood hunger. Located in Evans Dining Hall, the event features delicious, local soup from Lexington restaurants and some W&L Fraternities and Sororities. Lined up against the walls, the participating restaurants and groups ladle their soup into small, tea-sized cups to allow people a taste of their creation. Moving from one table to the next, attendees can take a cup from each restaurant of their choice and try a wide variety of soups. There are also deserts and drinks. As people eat, they are serenaded by W&L acapella groups.

In recent years, Campus Kitchen leaders have worked to make the event produce less waste by investing in compostable plates, cups, and silverware. There is also a waste management team who collects people's trash to organize into recycling and compost bins.Although the event lasts just a couple of hours, it has a huge impact on the community and the work of the Campus Kitchen. Every year, hundreds of people stop by to participate in the fun. All proceeds from this souper event go towards the Backpack Program, which serves over 850 pre-k, elementary and middle school students in the Rockbridge area (Lexington and Buena Vista included). Without the Souper bowl, the Backpack Program would not have the funds necessary to do its good work.

Morning Prayer | Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.

In-Person & Zoom

Beer and Hymns | Sky Bar | Thursday, February 27, 6 p.m.

Join us for an evening of music, fellowship, and fun at Sky Bar on Thursday, February 27th, at 6 PM. Hosted by Grace Episcopal Church, this event will feature lively hymns led by emcees Martha Burford, David Mayersky, and Michael McLaughlin. Bring your friends and your singing voice as we come together to share in community and song. Stay tuned for more details soon! Save the date, and we hope to see you there!

Bakers Wanted for the Community Table

Please contact Virginia Cooke at 348-5367 if interested!

Finance Committee Seeking New Members

The Finance Committee is looking for members of the Parish to join us in monitoring the finances of the church.  Time involved:  about 1 ½ hours per month.  We meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. somewhere in the Parish Hall. Be willing to serve your church to the best of your ability.  Benefits:  Joy and Gladness in helping the church spend pledges and donations wisely.

If interested, please contact Margaret Haberman on her cell phone at 703-608-8695, or her home phone at 540-463-0950.

ACTS Call for Members

What is Grace Actively Caring Through Sharing (ACTS)?

How can I be a part of it?

Grace ACTS is an important ministry to the parishioners and the community of our church. Our four teams consist of over 20 people or family units that volunteer for the Grace ACTS ministry. Each team has about 6 members and is on duty every 4 weeks. Grace ACTS members select two or more needs from the list when their team is on duty. Team members pray for, call, visit or send a card to those on the list that are ill, have had a death in their family or are celebrating a new baby or a birthday. Please continue to pray for this vital ministry to our parish. If you have a pastoral concern or know of someone who does please contact Fr. Tuck, Melissa Cox or the Parish Office. If you would like to serve on a team, please contact Melissa.

Clothes Closet at Christ Episcopal

The Clothes Closet at Christ Church, Buena Vista, continues toneed children’s winter jackets. They also need teenaged girls’ clothing of all types in sizes 14, 16, and 18. They also need queen-sized sheets. The Clothes Closet is open every first and third Saturday of the month from 9 am until noon. You may drop your items off then.  Alternately, you can bring your items to the Grace Church office and Lisa will ensure your items are conveyed to the Clothes Closet. Thank you for your support of this valuable asset to our community.

Greeter Team and Usher Team at Grace

Greeters take turns welcoming worshipers as they enter the churchyard to attend the service. They identify visiting guests, visitors, new members and extend a warm greeting. Greeter schedules are flexible to work with your availability. A great way to meet others at Grace. Contact Cecile West-Settle at, 540-570-3256.

Ushers help the service run smoothly by welcoming worshipers to the service and assisting them as needed. They distribute the service bulletin and help with the offering collection, communion and more. Schedules are flexible to work with your availability. Email or call Lisa McGuire at 540-463-4981.

Training provided, many benefits! Join TODAY

Paws to Connect

Paws to Connect will be back the second week of February!

Prayer List

Please pray for the wider Church and intercessions requested by our Congregants: Pray for Presiding Bishop The Most Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe. Pray for Diocese of Southwestern Virginia, and our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Mark Bourlakas. Pray today for the people of the Episcopal Diocese of Southwestern Virginia as we convene our 106th Annual Convention. Pray for Brendon, Timmy, John Perry, Glen Jones, Laura Stearns, Lynda deMaria, Polly Lawrence, Betty Cadden, Jeff Mason, Joe Irby, Kent Wilson, Diana Kenney, Jerry & Ann Nay, Paula Cooper, Ned Henneman, Barbara Bova, Sharon Humphreys, Nancy Mastin, Elizabeth Klein, Cullen Bahr (friend of Drusie Milford), Mary Etta Randolph, Carl & Rachel Pattison, Grace, Palmer Stickley and his family, Mercedes Aravena-Echaurren, Patricia Williams, Justin, Rodrigo, Wes O’Dell and family, Peggy DePasquale, Nick Penn, Danny Anson (friend of Pat & Keith Gibson), Bill Cannon, Rebecca Robblee (daughter-in-law of Joanne & Paul Robblee), Tom Strickland, Virginia Poston (sister of Betsy Carter), Dot Fogo, Roger Baroody, Henry Porter, Buster Lewis, Joe Moles, Mo Littlefield, Michelle & John Evola (cousins of Darlene Keane), Len & Patricia Klein (parents of Laurie Huger), Kelly Strickland (brother of Paul), For the family of Doug, Shelley and Jennifer in their loss of their gifted son, Tyler (friends of the Passmores) and those we name aloud or in our hearts. Pray for the people of Israel, Gaza, Sudan, Haiti, Ukraine, and pray for cessation of violence, and for reconciliation, and peace. Pray for those who have died.

In Thanksgiving for January and February Birthdays       

1/26  Maille Carrington

1/27  Sean Carrington,  Joseph Moles

1/29  Jane Brooke, Nan Partlett

1/30  Melissa Gladwell-Sayre, Cary Edgar

1/31  Tom Gosse

2/2  Clarinda Carrington 

2/3  Willy Nelson  

2/9  Benjamin Huger

2/10  Glenn Szarzynski   

2/12  Rowan Moles  

2/19  Rose Hein    

2/20  Sammy Eastwood     

2/21  Steve Riethmiller  

2/23  Beverly Tucker, Graham Hess, Becky Hall    

2/24  Holt Merchant      

2/25  Jeanne Passmore    

2/27  Joseph Henson      

2/28  Caitie Carrington, Erin Carrington 


We're so glad you're here! If you or someone you know is new to Grace and would like more information about Parish life, follow the link below.


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