From Samson:
Are you a morning or night person?
People have often asked me if I am a morning or a night owl. We all know the answer to this question. You're undoubtedly a night owl if you stay up late and don't feel sleepy until after midnight. In contrast, if you yawn shortly after sunset and struggle to sleep in even when you want to, you're most likely a morning lark.
After my thorough reflection, it is clear that the answer to this question may be more complex than we initially assumed. Recently, while meditating on Psalm 139, I was struck by verse 11: "The night is as bright as the day; the darkness and the light are both alike." Just think about it if God created us in His Image, which means we have been gifted with the same capacities created in His Image. Throughout history, God has used ordinary people to carry out His extraordinary plan. Similarly, God can utilize our physical bodies to accomplish remarkable feats.
Given how the world operates, I'm no expert on sleep disorders; anyone can easily understand my point. Many places in the country work 24/7, and I can't imagine what this question could mean to people who do rotating shifts. Consider yourself during emergencies; you will respond regardless of the time of day or night. Next time before answering whether you are a day or night person, take a moment to consider your response. Please share your thoughts and opinions with me when you see me.
AV Team: Call for Volunteers
Please consider joining the team and help with streaming on Sunday morning. Zoom help is needed at 8:00am and YouTube streaming at 10:30am. Training is available! Email Lisa for more info.
Worship Services | Proper 14 | Sunday, August 13
Holy Eucharist | 8 a.m.
In-Person & Zoom
Christianity and Culture | 9:15 a.m.
Parish Hall & Zoom | Contemplative Tradition
The Christianity and Culture summer series on Christian Spiritual Traditions concludes this Sunday with a presentation on the Contemplative Tradition. For those who want to continue to explore spiritual growth either in a small group or on your own, this video series, From the Inside Out from Renovare, is a good resource for exploring some basic questions about Christian spiritual life and for going deeper. Please check it out.
Holy Eucharist | 10:30 a.m.
In-Person & YouTube
Morning Prayer | Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.
In-Person & Zoom
Camp Grace Showcase: A Week of Creative Exploration
Join us this evening at 5 p.m. for our Camp Grace showcase! Please come by to meet families and see the fruits of the children’s endeavors. Bring your heart; the treasure comes in small bodies who squeal with delight!
We have been hard at work singing and playing instruments, listening and moving, and painting and creating. We cannot wait to share with you what we've been up to!
Upcoming Music Events
Upcoming Christianity and Culture
On August 27, Fr. James will lead Christianity and Culture. It will honor Marc Nikkel and the people of Sudan and will reflect on the work of the American Friends of the Episcopal Church in Sudan. Below is a link to Fr. James’ diary/reflections he emailed to colleagues and friends during his trip. They are insightful and will give you a daily update on his trip.
Sacred Ground
There will be a Sacred Ground organizational meeting at Grace Episcopal Church on Thursday, August 17 at 6pm in the College Room. Contact Tuck for more info.
Education for Ministry
Education for Ministry (EfM) continues to attract parishioners who want to engage in focused discussion about the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, church history or to explore theological philosophy. If you are interested in joining the class this September or who want more information about the program contact James Keane.
The Mission and Outreach Committee of the Gadsden Trust
We will convene on September 12 at 4:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall for its our third quarter meeting. The Committee will review third quarter grant requests that were submitted by the September 1, 2023, deadline and make awards. Third quarter grant requests can be sent to Gail Dickerson and must be received by September 1, 2023. The Gadsden Trust grant request application can be found here.
Blood Drive at Grace
Grace Episcopal is having a Blood Drive on Monday, August 28, 2023 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Jonathan Daniels Community Room. Please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit and enter: GECL to schedule an appointment. Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment. Donate Blood. Help Save Lives.
Prayer List
Please pray for the wider Church and intercessions requested by our Congregants: The Diocese of Southwestern Virginia, and our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Mark Bourlakas. Pray today for the staff and residents of Westminster Canterbury and their chaplain, the Rev. William Deal. Pray for Brendon (friend of the Brooke family), Michael Murphy, John Thomas, Timmy, Rick Alexander, Bradley Fairchild and Karen Junkin (friends of the Gibsons), Gloria June Perry (mother of Michael Perry), Glen Jones (friend of the Riethmillers), Patricia Brown Boyer (sister of Madison Brown), Dolly Shumate (friend of the Lewis’), Carolyn Glenn (friend of Judy Schram), Jack Hershbell, Laura Stearns, Tom Strickland, Worth & Katie Burnes (friends of the Smiths), Amelia Dull, Barb Ostrander (cousin of John Milford), Stephen deMaria, Annie Campbell, Polly Lawrence, Betty Cadden, Jeff Mason, Joe Irby, Kent Wilson, Ginny Dunaway Ferguson, Mike Robblee and Rosemary Phillips (siblings of Paul Robblee), Joan Wade (sister-in-law of David Wade), Maria Scott. Don Ellis, Diana Kenney, Patrick Bowes (brother-in-law of Linda deMaria), Ann Nay, Paula Cooper, Lucy Moise, Penny & Ned Henneman, Steve Riethmiller, Heidi Schweizer, David Wade, and those we name aloud or in our hearts. Pray for those who have died, The Rev. Shirley Ruedy, (Trinity Staunton), Bert Allen Roseberry (brother of Neil). Pray for the people of Hawaii, Sudan, Haiti, Ukraine.
In thanksgiving for the marriage of Sydney Cross, daughter of Susan and Dennis Cross, to Keegan Visser on August 12.
In Thanksgiving for August Birthdays
8/11 Mimi Knight
8/14 Gerry Locher, Nick Murphy, Kathy Kozak
8/17 Kent Wilson
8/18 Luke Camp
8/20 Marjorie Connolly
8/27 Mary Webster
8/28 David Howison
8/30 Barton Dick
8/31 Pat Gibson
We're so glad you're here! If you or someone you know is new to Grace and would like more information about Parish life, follow the link below.
Rockbridge NAACP Freedom Fun’d Raiser
“Community United: Spotlight on Glasgow” | 2 – 5pm Saturday, August 19, 2023 | James R. Thompson Sr. Community Center | Glasgow, VA | Donate now at
Hosting Ukrainian Families
A humanitarian outreach effort organized by citizens of Lexington, Buena Visa, and Rockbridge County, we aim to pave the way for sponsoring temporary re-settlement of families who qualify for entry according to the laws of the United States.
The mission of Hosting Ukrainian Families is based upon love, compassion, and humanitarian concerns for families seeking to live in peace. Accordingly, a call is issued to each person joining in this effort to set aside all political, culturally divisive viewpoints, and all differences which may hinder or defeat these goals. To donate, click the link below.